Wairco welcomes tech savvy, early adopters of AirTag
When we decided to delve into the realm of AirTag Accessories, we could only have dreamed about how quickly our sales channel would become so successful. Here we are, less than 6 weeks into accepting pre-orders, and our customer profile is diverse and our reach is global. At Wairco, we are dedicated to offering solutions that make life easier for our customers. As such, in order to help facilitate our global audience, we are now accepting cryptocurrency as a payment method. Our audience and customer base are proving to be tech savvy, early adopters of AirTag and it’s accompanying technology. Wairco was born out of a need to allow technological acuity to meet real world practicality. Our aim is to offer products that allow for the best usage of today’s technology and, in doing so, to protect our most precious possessions. By offering another channel for payment we hope to make it even easier to purchase our products by accommodating the growing amount of crypto users online.
Our acceptance of cryptocurrency for the purchase of Wairco Snap Case, designed for Apple AirTag, gives our valued customers the option to pay through a digital wallet and allows us to service an even broader market across the globe. Ongoing research shows an increasingly high demand for digitally-based payments within the online consumer base. Cryptocurrency and eCommerce happen to compliment each other perfectly.
Wairco is now accepting Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP for the purchase of our unique patent pending AirTag accessory. We are so proud of our new product and consider our Snap Case to be the most functional, usable AirTag case on the market. Â
We look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.